“To see a World in a Grain of Sand, and a Heaven in a Wild Flower.  Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour.”

    —William Blake


    “He who jumps into the void, owes no explanation to those that stand and watch.” 

    — Jean Luc Godard


    The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.— Bill Hicks


Dr. Oz and Renee MartineDr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz not only known for his popularity from his network show but he, and his wife Lisa Oz, also maintains a non-profit business HealthCorpsDr. Oz and Lisa Oz that enables college students to learn their health and wellness program and incorporate this program into high schools across the nation. Dr. Oz started with (4) high schools that has now grown to 55 schools in 11 states in less than 10 years. I had the privilege of working as Executive Assistant of his non-profit.


Matthew Modine, Renee MartineActor, Matthew Modine

Matthew Modine, known for his accomplished acting career of films like; Full Metal Jacket, The Dark Night (Batman), Stranger Things, and many others. Matthew came through Sacramento on a screening tour for his short film JWAC in 2011. I had the privilege of working with Matthew as the local Screening Producer on his short.

Ben Vereen, Renee Martine

Actor, and all around entertainer, Ben Vereen

The honor was all mine. Ben works closely with HealthCorps, providing support and goodwill to Dr. Oz’s benefforts in bringing health and wellness awareness to those in need of more personal education throughout the nation. I worked closely with Ben during his visits and provided personal attaché for special events. Ben is an amazingly strong entertainer, dancer, and spiritual individual—just an all-around great guy, and I had so much fun hangin with him.