After a NDE, when I was five years old, I began having experiences that no one else in my family were having. Unfortunately, there was no one to turn to when I started seeing things happen before they happened, or understand why I see dead people. These new abilities were most defiantly a curse living among a family of Jehovah Witnesses.—it was a very confusing time for me, at such an early stage in my life. I have been, and still do, live a pretty reclusive life to this day, because of the constant intrusions. But, luckily, later in life I found a way to tune them out and start living a little bit of a normal life.

It wasn’t until I had kids of my own that started feeling some relief. Once my kids go to, ironically, the same age these abilities surfaced, I felt like I needed to understand why these spirits were constantly in my life and how to make them go away. It was around 1995 when done being tormented. This was also a time before the internet was a thing and we had the Yellow Pages or the library to people and answers.

Luckily, through sheer determination, I found and reached out to some local paranormal investigators. That in itself seemed scary to me, as my JW family would always refer to my intrusions and premonitions as demonic—thanks mom for planting that seed (said sarcastically). However, after meeting with these people I found that the mediums on their team were very easy to talk to, and felt a sense of belonging for the first time in my life. So much so that I decided to join them. Face my fears, and found that I had a talent to help these intrusive spirits move on from whom ever they were haunting. It was very rewarding, and I was so pleased to have finally found some purpose and peace. I worked with many investigative teams over the course of about five years. But once the demand for my abilities became a way for team leaders to use findings as a way to draw media attention to themselves, I was done with that and tried to maintain my spiritual existence with a more select group of people on a much higher, Godly path. I don’t feel cursed, I feel blessed—God wastes nothing.

Long story short, while working with one particular investigative group, I wrote an article about seeing 11:11 all of the time. It was every where and constant, and I still see 11:11 to this day. Back then, it wasn’t even so much that I was seeing 11:11, but I started noticing things (some were important things) would add up to 11:11. I have to say, it was a nice surprise when I was told that TAPS (who I had become a big fan of back then, based on my own experiences) Paramagazine picked up my article and published it as a feature—WOW!