“To see a World in a Grain of Sand, and a Heaven in a Wild Flower.  Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour.”

    —William Blake


    “He who jumps into the void, owes no explanation to those that stand and watch.” 

    — Jean Luc Godard


    The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.— Bill Hicks


Student of Life:

I find life has a way of translating itself through many portals: thought, travel, the many modalities of creative endeavors, and the art of expression. My name is Renée Christine Martine, and I am a 58-year-old abstract artist, sales associate, aspiring; novelist, and photographer, residing in Northern Montana.

Most recently, I was featured in the 406 Woman’s Magazine (2pg-full spread), in their Fall 2023 publication. In short, the article, “The Accidental Artist, “was based on what ignited my story. In the spring of 2013,my only brothers life was taken — along with his ex-wife and their some. After five years of trying to solve the mystery around their deaths as a DIY PI I turned toward an untapped outlet to escape the monotony—ART! I never considered myself an artist, in a professional sense, but there definitely was one deep inside trying to get out.—who knew? It might sound cliché to say that death is a new beginning, but in this case it was for me.

Since 2018, many pieces of my art have found their way into homes, businesses, galleries and even a few commissioned pieces—very blessed.

In addition to my endeavors to out the person(s) responsible for my family’s untimely deaths,  I also began writing a novel, called The Shaling, to ease the pain and fill the void. I’ve always had a fascination with writing, and with the Shaling it allowed me to take all this creative energy to a whole other level. I carefully selected the characters, using some of my favorite actors personalities to bring them to life. My constant curiosity with life and the intricacies and complex mechanics of all life and death fascinates me to no end—enters The Shaling.

I hope you will visit my art, photography, writings and blog pages for the latest and greatest. Thank you for stopping by.



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